Growth Consulting

Strategic Growth For Churches - A Different Approach

We consult with churches of all sizes and focus on a growth through innovation approach.

Our endeavors are based on a quick, yet comprehensive review that leads to an objective SWOT analysis. 

We are also different in our deliverables, as we not only provide a recommendations, we also deliver a complete 3-year or 5-year roadmap including all your strategic objectives along with every tactical milestone as well as the completion requirements and dates to attain them within the timeframe you have chosen.

Sample strategic consulting outline:

  • Current Strategy
  • Congregation, Worship, Community and Mission
  • Pastor(s), Ministry and Leadership
  • Processes & Infrastructure
  • Financial Analysis
  • Skills, Resources and Technologies
  • Overall SWOT Analysis
  • Recommendations
  • Roadmap

All our endeavors are completed under a strict confidentiality agreement. All data collected during our consulting missions is deleted from our infrastructure at the end of each engagement. We do not share or publish any information about the churches we serve (e.g. names, examples or case studies).

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